

all the kids

all the kids

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Welcome to "Somebody's Always Hungry!"

You have landed on the motherhood motherlode.

Somebody's Always Hungry is a collection of motherhood essays detailing life as a mother from the children's birth to five years old. Not the orderly, glossy parenting magazine style of parenting, but what it really feels like. How life slams from sixty m.p.h. to zero in those five to six pushes during labor, and for the next five years (and counting) raising your babies. You are going to watch as two tiny people slowly dismantle my old life and accomplishments with tiny imperceptible fingers, building me an entirely new life I didn’t know I needed, made preferably out of Cool Whip. But it’s okay. Because you'll see me realize that my heart also went from one-person-sized to big enough to save a nation.

Check out a few sample stories from my book below. Read one now, bookmark this site, and come back for more later. My book's audience is present mothers, would-be's, used-to-be's and anyone who has known a mother sometime in their lives. You fit there somewhere, right?

(One hint: whenever you leave this home page, you can always get back here by clicking the "go back one page" arrow at the top left under "file".)

Please leave comments. I like hearing what you think. Right below this welcome section is a place for you to speak to me. Jump back here after you've read however many of my essays you feel like reading. I'll answer you if you want.

Hope you return often.
