Thursday, May 24, 2012
Little House on the Hunger Games
We went to see The Hunger Games with Emma's teacher, who had her dog in a Ralph's grocery bag. The cloth kind of bag. The Hunger Games is pretty violent and I'm pretty sure that dog was underage. It's the kind of tiny white dog that shakes like, when you look at it. There were people getting spears through their hearts and being eaten by wild dogs in the movie. I was scared. Maybe it helped that the dog had little pink bows on her ears. Power bows.
Having a dog at the movie made me wish I had MY dog at the movies. The problem is, I would have had to have a hammock to try and smuggle in Hank, who is the size of a small Mexican man. It would have been so bulky, and plus if anyone fell on him he would bite them. But I think he would have liked The Hunger Games. He's really into adventure stories. His whole life has been one. Except for lately, he's been sort of laying around alot more, and just observing the adventure, since he's about to be 9 years old. He's laying on my foot right now.
The good thing about the dog at the movies is you'd eat way less candy if you were petting your dog, and seeing if he needed any soda or nachos. Catering to him means less junk food time for yourself, which ultimately, is a win-win situation for both of you.
As for the movie itself, both Emma and I had read the book. There's nothing as heartwarming as reading a book about kids who have to murder each other to survive. And then sit through it with your 10 year old. I'm knitting my brows about that. I know it's only a story, but it's rather violent. It ain't no Laura Ingalls. Pa only shot the bear that was threatening their little house, he didn't send mutant dogs into the arena to tear the bear limb from limb in a vaguely veiled diatribe about government and the need for rebellion. Laura just played with a pig bladder like a balloon. Got a penny and a peppermint stick for Christmas.
In a duel, Little House would kick Hunger Games ass. Because the print is alot bigger, and there are illustrations. And because Little House was all about survival, just everyone had those cute prairie skirts and aprons. I'm thinking Little House on the Hunger Games might be an amazing meld. Laura Ingalls already knew how to survive in the wilderness. First chapter, perky Laura negotiates her first land mine.
I'd bring my dog to that one, and share the popcorn wih Hank.