Sunday, August 12, 2012
More Everything
I made my first sale on Ebay - I like to buy stuff on Ebay, especially when I can drive the price up for someone else and then abandon the race at the last minute. But I sold something (a huge horse halter that was even too big for Fat Maggie, like for a horse the size of a small Volkswagon) and then I was so shocked I sold it, I had to weigh it to see how much to mail it for. Then I had no idea how to weigh it, so I grabbed a box of brownie mix to see if it weighed about the same as the box. But then it's hard to know if it feels the same, so I put the horse box on the scale, but that seemed inaccurate, so I got on the scale, then I picked up the box, and when I looked at the number, I just thought "God, I am so fat." But it got mailed off and hopefully the person will like it, and now I want to sell more stuff. And eat brownies.
And somehow there is precisely ONE DAY left of summer, even though it is August, and broiling hot, and all the kids and I can do is stare at each other and wander Target because it's air conditioned, and buy school supplies, and tonight we went in the pool, but the pool was 92 degrees - the pool needed a pool to cool off in. But Lilly stood by me while I got clothes out of the washer and put them in the dryer, and she touched the Lakers uniform that she's been wearing night and day since her basketball team started playing, and she said, "Oh, it's still wet." Then she looked at the washer and said "They should call that the wetter, and that the dryer."
In one more day, she'll be in kindergarten, Emma will be at the top of the school, and Nathan will be in 7th grade. A minute ago I was walking Nathan to kindergarten. A minute from now, I'll be eating frozen yogurt on a porch swing with wrinkles around my ankles. I'm kind of excited about it all, I just wish there was more of it. More everything, and slower.