I blame the Santa Anas.
It started with Emma spilling nail polish remover into her new computer during finals week and then crying like the house burned down with the entire band of One Direction inside, including that loser Zayn. The day had gone pretty well up until then, my mom was secretly building a hurricane level 5 but I had no idea, the weather was looking pretty mellow as the sun set. We had a regular dinner, I got her to bed, Emma was still crying with her computer under a fan.
I had my few hours off because my mom was snoring over the monitor and I'd given her less medication because she seemed good and I sensed an easy night like last night.
So I'm watching murders for ten minutes in front of a fire and then Nathan comes out and says the washer tube came out and there's water all over the hallway. I'm like you're kidding.
So we get up and move various appliances and use every shitty towel we have to mop out the laundry area and the dog food closet and the hallway which okay can always use a good wash. We have to get one of those clips that holds the tube in and Nathan says yay we can go to Blowes. His favorite place.
So then there's a terrible wind and I go outside and all of the world's forests' leaves have blown into my pool. You could swim in leaves and never touch bottom. So okay I'll clean the pool because otherwise it turns green.
So I might as well go to bed, it's like 9:30 and I have work in the morning and the fire went out anyway and Emma's still crying.
So I go back into my mom's and she is awake so I give her the second pill and then crawl into bed and that is the only sleep I get.
At midnight she is up so I give her the third pill and after that it is the Linda Blair show.
For five hours, my mom tries to tear up her sheets, scratches the walls, moves down in the bed, gets her legs stuck in the bars, balls up her blanket, talks nonstop.
At 1 a.m. I just get up and turn on Anna Karenina and sit next to her hoping it will distract her. That is a weird ass movie, by the way. It was exactly like what was going on in her head I think except for the Russian. She does not watch the movie. She is trying to tear her sheet in half. I take all her sheets away. She tries to tear apart her socks.
At 2:30 I give her ativan and she lies back down and there is a ten minute breather while she gears up for Category 5. I get back in bed and then she sits back up and for two more hours she is nonstop storming in her bed. I try getting her on the toilet. She is impossible. I get her in bed. She is impossible. There's really no feeling in there, it's just balled up weather confusion all blasting out like a five pointed blazing star.
At 4:30 I text the russian hospice chick and say um.
There's a problem.
The doctor will call at 9 to try new meds.
I go outside to muck my horses so I don't have to do that later.
Barry texts me all through the night because he's living out the nightmare on monitor.
At 7 I make her get up in the wheelchair and go outside and watch me clean the pool and feed the animals.
Now we wait for the doctor and really there is nothing we can do. We can sedate her and make her feel comfortable. Right now I have to eat and teach kindergarten. One minute at a time bro.
Fierce wind last night.