

all the kids

all the kids

Thursday, September 22, 2011

All's Fair in Love and War

We went to the fair today and I had soda at a McDonald's at 8 o'clock tonight which is why I'm still up writing on this blog. Happily. Well not happily writing but I'll be happy when it's over.

There's just something wonderful about taking your three beautiful blondes to a place where farm animals live. We got to see a Wild West show where a guy shot balloons while speeding past on horseback with a real revolver like in old Westerns. There was a stagecoach zooming by pulled by six very amped up horses and I looked at the guy with six reins in each hand and thought wow I'm glad I'm not that guy. And it looked like how did anyone survive stagecoach travel? The kids made their own lasso and I lassoed Lilly and reeled her in. We ate fresh ice cream, we picked fake corn from velcro trees (very cool), we touched a giant pig, we went into many many funhouses built by alcoholic carnival workers.

I got to watch 11 year old and 9 year old beauties ride fast rides like the grown up kids they are becoming. I got to watch 4 year old Lilly throw a ping pong ball into a floating dish and win the biggest pillow pet animal there was. (A penguin.) Poor Nathan had to swallow chunks of soft taco whole while on the ferris wheel, because he can't chew with his new braces. His teeth are pretty much just no good. I'll have to be feeding him with a tube for the next few days.

We sweated, we bought souvenirs, we rode the tram in a long, tired circle on the way out. Even though we parked close and didn't need the tram, we rode the tram because it's fun to ride in a circle, get out where you started and then walk to the car. Because the fair looks pretty from the tram, in the night breeze, when your feet hurt and you have the happiness of knowing you're going home.

We do the fair every year because it is a day we don't have to be anywhere else, we eat what we want and I get moments where I am exactly standing in the middle of my life. These kids are so good, they are so funny, and I am really lucky.