

all the kids

all the kids

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Life with Lilly

Why are PTA ladies always fat with glasses?

But I don't want to talk about boring PTA ladies. I want to talk about how Katie organized our candy-tea-ice cream cone cabinet so that when you open the door, stuff doesn't fall out of it. SO NICE.

Lilly cried today because she couldn't go to school. She didn't understand why someone wouldn't want to be in school on a Friday. Then it got worse when she realized there was no school on Saturdays or Sundays. Poor dear. She was always with me every minute we volunteered up at Nathan and Emma's schools, from the time she was BORN, so she thinks school is like, uh, well home, I guess. Maybe she'll get like 15 Masters degrees, and dump boyfriend after boyfriend when they don't have her academic determination. I can see her, brilliant, at 25, small but wily, intensely telling me how it sucks that no one is as smart as she is. She says this as she's defiantly tucking her blonde curly hair into her astronaut helmet. Not live, in person, but on Skype, from Mars.

And I'll be standing there with a half-eaten pan of brownies in my hand, because I'll be raising her children. Hooray for me.