

all the kids

all the kids

Friday, October 28, 2011

Go with the Flow

(Pix of Lilly's Life Point of View - when she has the camera)

I wrote about the moving of my mother as pushing an avalanche of snow back UP the mountain as it's crashing down on you... That's what Katie and I did, like drones, we just kept moving all the junk amidst the resistance...Boxes up in the garage rafters, organizing the closet for Moose out there neatly, making it tidy for her. Breaking our backs.

Now this morning, only one day later, my mother wakes up in Emma's lovely room and Lilly climbs in bed to snuggle with her and they're watching cartoons and it's completely opposite. My mom isn't lonely anymore.

I think you live alone so long you think "I have to be alone. I have to have things MY way, I can't change, resist, resist" even if you're supremely unhappy.

Then things change around you, despite you, in fact you stand there, in her case, and watch it all happening in total distress, and then you get a nice morning with your granddaughter in the middle of a warm and mostly happy house. Love for breakfast.

I hope I remember this later for when I'm old and crotchety and living at Nathan or Emma or Lilly's house (or with Chris in Newfoundland).

I hope I will erase the resistance. That was the hardest part.

Anyway, it's only been one day but already things are flowing better. And we're making room for Poppa!! Barry and I have acheived the commune. We already got through a terrible part, I hope it's easier now, whatever happens.