

all the kids

all the kids

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chasing Sun Today

I was walking Lilly into her preschool yesterday, carrying her actually, and she said, "Mommy, you never say 'I love you, Lilly.'"

Oh my GAW. Of course I spanked her. No, but I told her of course I love her. And I'll say it more. She seems to like it because everytime I say it now, she likes to say "I love you too." I think she likes to answer back.

We played on the floor today in Moose's old house, which is the only part of the house that has a carpet. Lilly and Emma climbed on my feet and back and wrestled and Lilly stuck her feet in my face and said "SMELL MY FEET!! SMELL MY FEET!!" for about an hour or until she decided to sit on my head for awhile. Once I laid on the carpet I couldn't get up, because I canNOT lay down during the day or I will just lay there until like Christmas I'm so tired and happy to lie still. Emma did her homework there on the floor and we were pretending it was our bedroom, this side of the house that is now opened up temporarily with the wall knocked out.

Earlier it had been so cold (70 degrees) that we kept going outside to warm up and chasing the sun across the deck. Lilly and I sat in the sun and played Candyland and kept having to move the game so we stayed in the sun (this was the beginning of me laying down). It takes so much time up to feel guilty during the day when I'm not playing with the kids, it's so much easier just to sit and play a game with them. It was actually fun and relaxing not to be doing, just to be setting with them, her. As Southerners would say.

I just like days where nothing is going on, and the biggest activity is to stay a little ahead of the creeping shade, keep your feet in the sun, just for one more minute.