I just spent the last week oppressed by my garage. We had barfed out the entire garage into the driveway and for a week we dug through junk like homeless people at a hobo free-for-all. Then it was supposed to "rain" (14 drops, a deluge) so I forced myself to finish the stupid garage. People who were enthusiastic helpers 5 days ago were dropping like flies. One got a ripped arm tendon, she's out. Another has an impossible bone disorder, dismissed to a hot tub! There's just me standing in the middle of disaster, body sore, but do I stop? I chugged through it. And this morning the kids got up and the garage fairies had made them an awesome playroom where normally there was a hoarder's paradise.
Spacious, desks for painting, room to ride a bike through the expanse, toys and games. And now I'll have to do the treadmill again because even though you rip all your muscles packing and trashing boxes, if you don't exercise you still get fat.
Huge pile of trash that a dumpster has been ordered for, where we will apply the trash and it will disappear.
Some stuff for a yard sale. And still furniture and lawn mower and stuff that has to go back into my magical fairyland garage but I'm still leaving it out in the driveway because the garage is too fun to have boring gassy smelling equipment in it when it'd be so much more fun to spill a bunch of water, freeze it and have an ice rink instead.