For all those blog-worried out there, I have not boned any friends, workers or countrymen in the last 11 years. I'm on bone hiatus.
Now I just enjoy the inclination, which is alot like getting a drink of water, or taking a walk for me. It just blows on through, maybe because I had a section of teenager-hood where there were no rules, so I ended up with a big bag of Low Self-Esteem. Which played itself out in whore-like symptoms. So I have shards of that still in my current life. But I'm not using any of them.
I just love people, if you live at my house and you're not an asshole, I fall in love with you when you help clean out my garage (KT) or play basketball with my kid (worker dude). I have not paid in gratitude with my body. But I may write a script about it.
The loving of people who are nice is a good thing. I guess this should be on my writer blog, because this falling in pretend "love" with transients is being a writer, the desire for people to study, tear apart, watch, look, listen to, understand.
It's also just being me. I like to feel things. It's second best to chocolate frosting. The romance of life.
I will try to remember that this is the family blog and think of my audience. Dole things out a little better, adult blog and family blog. To get things back on track:
Lilly said last night, "Are we real or is this a dream?" As I lay there amazed, she said, in the dark, "I think we are dollies, in a house that someone used to play with."