Here's what I love about kids:
When you're mad because you can't find your computer cable and you're ten, you run to your room and slam your door. When your mom makes you open your door, no slamming doors, then she checks on you later and you're not in your room - you're in your closet, because that has a door. You're sitting in there, on top of all the shoes. Then your mom loves you more because she remembers that a closet is good dark and quiet place to sit and stew. And then later you are okay, because you're 10 and you're wonderful.
Kid #2
Very laid back and mellow, who cares if your binder is a mess even though you have a binder check tomorrow in class. You'd rather call up our friends and see if we can all meet at McDonald's for air-conditioning and hide-and-seek in the Playplace. And hot fudge sundaes. A man moved to gather others around him, enjoy company and eat. At night, you shut your window because even though it's hot, you're scared of coyotes.
The Caboose
You can put on your roller skates and skate around the backyard naked. You can also open your own applesauce, and "forget" to eat your sandwich at lunch but not forget to eat your cookies. Because you've been at the school since you were 2 weeks old, when you lose your nametag at school at lunch, the teacher says "Don't worry, we'll find it." You say, "Yeah. EVERYBODY knows me."
These people are so good, there should be a law against having so many good ones. I'm going to keep them until they FLING me off at college. And then I'll still call. Plaintively.