Monday, October 22, 2012
I have to get costumes ready for Halloween. Nathan had wanted to be a bush, but now he's considering Superman because I have the costume. Lilly was going to be a kitty, then Little Red Riding Hood, and this morning she wanted to be a pirate. There are still at least seven more days, so there's more time to be everything in that time, before settling on the costume I actually have, which is Little Red Riding Hood. So don't tell her. Emma's going to be a banana.
It's been hard to write in here because I I mean Nathan had this big project on Syria and I I mean Nathan wanted to get a good grade on it. So we I mean I looked up a bunch of stuff and then we photoshopped him in and then he did actually write a bunch and research on his own, so it came pretty great. He presents it today, with hummus and pita, and we met some chick from Syria at Sunland Produce who wrote his name in Arabic for him. We considered dressing her up in a robe and forcing her to go as his Show and Tell surprise, but even though that would be great, I'm kind of sure she wanted to get away from Syria, being that she works at Sunland Produce now, many miles from Damascus.
Then Evie had a project on Oregon, so I I mean she did alot of coloring of the flag and the flower and all sorts of things. Luckily Lilly has no projects, and enjoys spending alot of time alone pretending to be a dog, because otherwise I would have no time to work on all these other projects. I'm sure Lilly Bess is going to be the brainiac hyper-achiever with the amazing imagination and super laid-back attitude, because she has had the least guidance, much coddling, and is used to being thrown aside at any moment.
We did spend part of the weekend checking out the Zoo magnet, where N might go for high school. Only 300 kids in the entire school, which is basically a parking lot in Griffith Park. It's great for close attention, but bad if all 300 kids suck. Since there won't be many to choose from. And I'm pretty sure you have to ride a Zebra to prom.
Some pics of Lilly being a dog by the pool, and E and N tying themselves to their friend Harvey and trying to walk around. I like the way they waste time, these kids. It's inspiring.